It’s all about the dogs…

While Rosie is being prepped for registration and licensing, we have to get back to the UK, get the dogs from the kennel and then bring them to Europe. We have about a week to do this, so we find a nice place to stay close to the airport where we will be flying out.

The rental property has two separate buildings. A small one bedroom unit.
The main building has 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, large dining table and a living room.

The main building has a fenced in backyard and also has a hot tub!

Just a few minutes walk away from the rental property is Keston Common, a popular walking area that has many trails and 3 ponds (stocked for local fishermen – of which we saw several; didn’t see any fisherwomen though).

Great trails for walking the dogs, and an unofficial off-leash area where dogs could play.

We found the Biggin Hill Heritage Hanger located on the grounds of the Biggin Hill airport (where we will be flying out of).

This hanger houses several WWII fighter planes from England, the US and Germany. There is even a WWI Willys Jeep that was owned by Steve McQueen (US actor).

Many of the planes are fully functional, and flying tours are offered. No time on this trip, but a definite must in the future as they allow you to fly the plane which is a WWII Spitfire. I love the sound of the Rolls-Royce 12 cylinder engine!

There are an incredible number of WWI planes at this facility (details here). Many planes are operational, and there are several in the process of restoration. The mechanics working on the planes have incredible skills as they re-create parts from scratch where required, while keeping as much of the original plane as possible.


It’s finally time to say goodbye to our trusty steed (our Enterprise mini-cargo van) which has seen us through Ireland, Wales and England with only a single flat tire incident! The next morning the dogs start their adventure with a bus trip to the airport. We are only 5 minutes away from the airport and no-one local wants to haul two large dogs, and no-one from the city (London) wants to come out here for such a small fare. So city bus it is!

We tested out Lump’s ability to travel by city bus. SweetPea is not a problem, but Lump balks at buses and when he doesn’t want to go he lays down on the ground. Trying to lift a 60 kg dog who doesn’t want to play can be trying. So a test was in order. There is a local pub two bus stops away from the rental property, so a perfect test. And we can re-fortify ourselves at the pub if we need to,  or even if we don’t! The test goes off without a hitch. Lump is quite cooperative and the bus has a low entry for accessibility – just what Lump needs! We celebrate at the pub, and take the bus back. Again, sans probleme!

Given our recent success, we are not expecting any problems on the way to the airport. We have everything loaded into 2 backpacks, so that we each have both hands free just in case of Lump-related incidents.  No worries, Lump is an old pro at busses now. The biggest challenge was keeping SweetPea off the schoolgirls riding on the bus.

We make it off the bus, with minimal damage to schoolgirls and walk up to the security gate. This is an airport for private charters (i.e. chi-chi kind of place), so I am reasonably sure they don’t get a lot of walk-in patrons (more of the limo type of client methinks).  We are shown to our lounge (yes “our”, no sharing here) and the dogs settle in like they own the place.

We are on a smaller propeller plane for this trip (last plane was a jet) and the engines aren’t running, so it is quieter for the dogs. However, the entry steps are quite narrow and steep. And a bit wobbly, so Lump needs a little (ok, a lot) of assistance to embark.

Once on board everyone settles in. The aisle is a bit narrow but the dogs don’t seem to mind.  They are becoming quite the travellers!

Upon arrival in Zurich a van picks us up at the plane and drives us to a customs building. After quickly clearing customs (we are the only ones in line) another van picks us up and takes us to the train station (a couple of minutes away).  It is now time for Lump’s final trial of the day: a train tide.

Lump walks on to the train no problem. The trains here have entries that are at the same level as the platform. Not like Via Rail where you have to clamber up a set of steep narrow stairs. Dogs settle in right away, and the expedition is over we are all in Europe. Planes, trains and automobiles buses!

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