Visoko, Bosnia (pyramids in Bosnia?)

Pyramids in Bosnia? Nope!

We came across a website (here) claiming that there were pyramids in Bosnia, so we headed to Visoko to check them out.

When we arrived at the main complex there were no pyramids in evidence (you would think they would stick out like, you know, pyramids).

What we did find was a small valley filled with New Age paraphernalia: healing tunnels, circles and crystals. Energy areas, “out with the bad, in with the good”. 

From Wikipedia:

Semir Osmanagić, a Bosnian-American businessman, has claimed that these hills are the largest human-made ancient pyramids on Earth. His claims have been overwhelmingly refuted by scientists but he has proceeded to promote the area as a tourist attraction.

Direct study of the site by geologists, archaeologists, and other scientists has demonstrated that the hills are natural formations known as flatirons, and that there is no evidence that they were shaped by human construction.” 

My guess is that Mr. Osmanagić is an adherent of P.T. Barnum.

One of several yoga areas.
There was a nice trail through the "Magic Forest" (although not a mushroom in sight, which is odd as this seems to be the kind of place where mushrooms would be popular), so we got a good walk with the dogs. Lots of stairs too, so good workout.

There was a 45 minute tunnel tour, but no dogs allowed, so we passed.

Spend a quiet night in the parking lot, except for a couple of cars that came and parked in the dark for a while. Not exactly a great make-out spot, but I guess you make do with what you’ve got!

One thing we have definitely noticed since coming to Bosnia is the amount of pollution in the air. People seem to have no problem burning trash, including plastics, everywhere. The smog is very visible and is concentrated in the valleys where most houses and businesses are located.

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