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Icefields Parkway (Jasper to Banff, Krug sighting in the wild, overnite at Rampart Creek)
The Icefields Parkway runs from Jasper to Banff and is situated in a narrow valley with very large mountains on both sides. The scenery is incredible. We are leaving the Whistlers campground in Jasper...
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Jasper (Whistlers Campground), Alberta (scenery, more scenic scenery)
Here we are in scenic Jasper, at the north end of the valley that heads towards Banff.  Not much to see here except iconic Canadian vistas. Mountains to the left. Mountains to the right. Here I am,...
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Elk Island National Park, Alberta (back again)
Back to Astotin campground just in time for SweetPea’s surgery (spay, gastropexy) in Edmonton. She can’t wait. We are hoping that during the surgery the Vet can also do an evil-ectomy. SweetPea...
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Fort McMurray, Alberta (fire, mines, flying)
We have a week before we have to be back in Edmonton for SweetPea’s date with the surgeon, so we decide to head north and check out the oil industry. Fort McMurray was originally a Hudson Bay Company...