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Rivers Provincial Park, Manitoba
After our excitement in Riding Mountain National Park and repairs in Brandon, we needed a place nearby to spend a nite or two. On the drive from Riding Mountain to Brandon we saw a sign for Rivers Provincial...
Riding Mountain campsite
Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (and Rosita's not happy)
We are heading west and located a nice looking national park near Onanole Manitoba, a reasonable 3-1/2 drive from Lilac Resort (the surreal RV resort we are currently staying in). No excitement until…...
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Lilac Resort, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Our goal for this summer is to head west to Alberta to see the Jasper Ice Fields and some other attractions, such as the Alberta dinosaur park. It’s  early May, so provincial parks are still...
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Living on a Farm, Kenora, Ontario
It’s the first week of May and here in Ontario (and most of the other provinces as well) provincial parks don’t open until May 12 or 19, so we have to find somewhere else to stay for a couple...