We received a set of lat/long coords from another Krug owner who said they found a nice spot to stay. They did mention that their vehicle received a few scratches along the way from overhanging trees. A “few” scratches?!!! Rosie is now the proud owner of a whole new set of wrinkles as a result of following a narrow path to the coords. Well worth the effort though as we ended up on a beach next to a man made reservoir, created for a hydro-electric plant. It is the largest lake in Bosnia at about 60 km² in area.
Sitting around inside waiting for the rain to stop, so that we could take the kids for a walk when we heard a knock at the door. Opened up to find a 10-ish guy looking a bit sheepish who pointed to his car, stuck in the sand down the beach. He asked if we could tow him out. Sure, let’s give it a go. I bought all those tow ropes, so might as well put them to use!
We hooked up the ropes, put Rosie in gear and then slowly moved up the beach onto firmer ground. I didn’t even notice when the slack came out of the tow straps and took the weight of the stuck car. Rosie just kept on moving without so much as a jerk or anything to indicate she was pulling a car through the sand!
We gave Rosie a new set of wrinkles (scratches) on the way in, so we decided she didn’t need another set on the way out. My trusty navigator assumed the roll of lumberjack and with the aid of her pole-mounted chainsaw and a log pole with a hook-end we managed to get back to the rode with minimal wrinkleage!